<form> - form root element. it contains form fields and is used for submitting data
action - contains path where request will be sent. once sent, user is redirected to the entered path
- /index.html - default path
method - HTTP-Method. there are three possible values
- GET - default. input values will be set as query params
- dialog - is used for the form inside a <dialog>
enctype - for method="POST" enctype defines the MIME type of the form submission
- application/x-www-form-urlencoded - default. field values will be sent as query params
- multipart/form-data - send as payload. should be used for forms with binary data, i.e. forms with files
autocomplete - indicates whether browser can automatically complete input values
- off - no
- on - yes, based on values that the user has entered before
- it works with the following input types: text, search, url, tel, email, password, date, range, color
- it is possible to have autocomplete "on" for the form, and "off" for specific input fields, or vice versa
novalidate - specifies that the form shouldn't be validated on submit. this is boolean attribute
Common Attributes
name - is a key for the field value, which will be sent to a server. must be unique and non-empty
- only form elements with a name attribute will have their values passed when submitting a form
- name can also be set on <form> element. in HTML4 it is called "id"
- field names' scope is restricted to the form they belong to. so fields within different forms can have same name
- names can also be used to reference form elements from JS
value - specifies field value, which will be sent to a server
- for <input> specifies initial value. it is being copied to DOM "value" property, edited by user and later sent to a server
<input> - a set of interactive controls, used to accept data from the user
text - default input type
- to combine radios into one group they should have same name
reset - resets all the fields to their initial values
- these are analogs of <button>. unlike in <button>, button label is written into the "value" attribute
email - provides email pattern
password - input is hidden with asterisks
- when browser back button is clicked, password input will be reset
tel - functionally identical to standard text input
- mobile browsers might present a custom keypad optimized for entering phone numbers
url - provides URL pattern
search - is used for search fields. behaves like a regular text input
date - adds default browser date picker
- e.g. max="2002-01-01"
time - no time zone
datetime-local - no time zone
- see accept attribute
range - this is a slider control
- default range is 0 to 100
- restrictions on what numbers are accepted can be set with the min, max, and step attributes
color - provides user interface that lets user choosing a color
hidden - input, which cannot be seen and modified by users, but will be sent on form submit
- e.g.
- unique security token, which is used to prevent CSRF attack
- ID of the content that is currently being edited
type - required. it specifies the type of input
name - required
value - it is optional for most inputs, but required for button types
checked - specifies initial value for checkbox & radio
- :checked - pseudo-class
placeholder - text which is displayed inside input when it is empty
- supporting types: text, email, password, tel, url, search
disabled - makes input not clickable and not editable, and its value will not be sent on form submit
- :disabled & :enabled - pseudo-classes
readonly - makes input not clickable and not editable, but its value will be sent on form submit
required - is used for validation. marks required inputs
- supporting types: text, number, checkbox, radio, email, password, tel, url, search, date, file
- :empty - pseudo-class
pattern - specific pattern for an input value
- :valid & :invalid - pseudo-classes
minlength - specifies the minimum amount of characters for an input
maxlength - specifies the maximum amount of characters for an input
min - minimum number
max - maximum number
- supporting types: number, date, month, week, time, datetime-local, range
step - specifies the interval
- e.g. for step="3" legal numbers are -3, 0, 3, 6, etc.
- can be used together with the max and min attributes to create a range of legal values
- supporting types: number, date, month, week, time, datetime-local, range
size - specifies the width of an input in characters
multiple - specifies that the user is allowed to enter more than one value in the input
- supporting types: email, file
accept - lists comma-separated MIME types or extensions, allowed to be uploaded
- e.g. accept="image/png, image/jpeg"
- files with extensions which are not listed will be disabled in OS file picker
- however Windows allows disabling this restriction. in the case when file format restriction is crucial, the use of JS validation should be considered
- supporting type: file
autocomplete - provide hints about what kind of information is expected. browser will provide a list of options
- e.g. name, tel, cc-number, etc.
autofocus - specifies that the input should automatically get focus when the page loads
form - specifies one or more forms an input belongs to. contains form ID
Other Elements
<label> - label for a field. usually <label> wraps the field, what makes the field linked with the label. afterwards, on label click field is activated
- for="field id" - alternative to wrapping, same functionality. empty string is default value
- when wrapping is combined with "for", "for" overwrites wrapping logic
- e.g. <button>Click me</button>
- type - submit, button or reset. submit is default type
- disabled
<textarea> - scrollable input
- e.g. <textarea>User input will be here</textarea>
- rows - specifies the visible number of lines in a text area. e.g. rows="10"
- cols - specifies the visible width of a text area. e.g. cols="30"
- does not support "value" attribute
<select> - menu with options
- size - defines the number of visible options in a drop-down list. e.g. size="3"
- multiple - specifies that multiple options can be selected
<option> - element for single option
- selected - is used to pre-select an option
<optgroup> - wraps a group of related options and defines them in a drop-down list. it is optional
<select name="cloud">
<option value="">Choose</option>
<option value="cirrus">Cirrus</option>
<option value="stratus">Stratus</option>
<option value="cimulus">Cimulus</option>
<datalist> - specifies a list of pre-defined options for an input element. they are displayed in browser drop-down, like used emails
- this also enables search within listed options, since they are filtered on user input
- it is offered with HTML5
<input type="text" name="cloud" list="clouds" />
<datalist id="clouds">
<option value="cirrus" />
<option value="stratus" />
<option value="cimulus" />