<head> - contains metadata about the document
- metadata - is some data, which explains other data. in case of HTML it's machine-readable information about the document
<meta />
<meta /> - element, which represents metadata that cannot be represented by other HTML meta-related elements
name - attribute, which specifies the type of information meta element contains. it is applying to the whole page
theme-color - indicates a suggested color of the surrounding user interface
- e.g. <meta name="theme-color" content="#ffffff" />
- chrome - default is white
- safari - detects automatically if not specified
author - serves informational purpose
- e.g. <meta name="author" content="Michael Scott" />
description - is shown on search engine result page under the page title
- e.g. <meta name="description" content="Rent a car service" />
- is useful for SEO
viewport - forces mobile browsers to adopt their real viewport width for loading web pages
- e.g. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> - typical mobile-optimization
- ?alternatively page will be loaded as for the larger viewport and after that shrunk
robots - is responsible for search engine indexing
- e.g. <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
Other Attributes
http-equiv - pragma directive
- e.g. <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
charset - charset declaration, giving the character encoding in which the document is encoded
- e.g. <meta charset="UTF=8">
itemprop - user-defined metadata
content - specifies the actual meta content. it contains the value for the "name" or "http-equiv" attribute
Open Graph
Open Graph meta tags - control how card under URL is displayed when shared on social media
- property - meta attribute used by OG meta tags
- in internet there are tools helping to validate how card looks
- OG meta tags are part of Facebook's Open Graph protocol
- e.g. <meta property="og:title" content="How to earn much money" />
<link />
<link /> - element, which specifies relationships between the current document and an external resource
- href - contains path
media - allows to pass media condition under which resource will be used
- one use-case is to render a favicon of suitable color for light and dark mode. see code example
<link href="light-favicon.png" rel="icon" media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" />
<link href="dark-favicon.png" rel="icon" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" />
rel - attribute, which specifies type of relation
stylesheet - is used for external CSS and fonts
- e.g. <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
- reset CSS - file removing all default styles for elements. e.g. Meyer reset (Meyer reset transcript)
- normalize CSS - alternative to full reset. file, which aligns element styles in consistent way
icon - is used for referencing favicon
- e.g. <link rel="icon" href="/assets/favicon.ico" />
- if not specified, browser always makes automatic request for "/favicon.ico". so it's enough to put favicon into the root of bundle
- type - required attribute if format of favicon is not ICO. it contains MIME type of image
- type="image/png" - PNG is common alternative to ICO
- type="image/svg+xml" - modern browsers support SVG favicon and this is recommended approach due to responsiveness
- one more <link rel="icon" /> can be used as fallback for browsers which don't support SVG or in order to add multiple favicons. see [media]
- good size for raster favicon is 32x32
- trick:
- Firefox & Opera also support animated GIF
there is a list of "rel" values, which can be used for optimization
<script> - element, which is used to embed executable code or data
- src - the URI of an external script. it is optional and is used as an alternative to embedding a script directly within a document
- two scripts can exchange data with each other with the help of global object
type - indicates the type of represented script
- by default is a "classic script", containing JavaScript code
module - ES module
- see ES Modules for more
text/template - custom type, which is ignored by browser. it provides a possibility to pass code to template engine
- template engine - combines template with data and returns HTML, which can be inserted into DOM. e.g. Handlebars
defer & async
by default, there are two problems with scripts connected to HTML: 1. blocking script - once parser reaches <script>, browser pauses DOM building. instead it starts script download, then script execution. only after that DOM building continues 2. access to whole DOM - script doesn't know about the HTML which is written under <script>
defer - solves the problem of blocking scripts and access to whole DOM
- defer makes browser download script asynchronously without blocking DOM, but execute it only once page will be built
- the order of scripts is saved
- defer works only for external scripts
- in practice, defer is used for scripts execution order of which is important. and / or which require the whole DOM
async - partly solves the problem of blocking scripts
- async makes browser download script asynchronously without blocking DOM, and once downloaded, pause DOM building and execute script
- the order of scripts is not saved. the one which is downloaded first, will execute first
- in practice, async is used for independent scripts execution order of which does not matter. and which don't require the whole DOM
- e.g. counters; ads
<script> added at the end of the <body> - solves both problems, but this is worse practice since script will start downloading only once parser will reach it
Other Elements
<title> - defines the document's title that is shown in a browser's title bar or a page's tab
- can only contain text
<base /> - specifies the base URL to use for all relative URLs in a document
<style> - contains inline CSS for a document