<a> - link tag
href - contains reference, i.e. URL. this is required attribute
#footer - hash link to element with some id. it is used to send user to specific part of the page
- # - dead link, which refers nowhere
javascript:foo() - script URL. it is used to make browser treat href value not as reference but as JS code
- e.g. href="javascript:void(0)" - do nothing
- there is a security risk, because script URL is a form of eval
there are special href values, which can trigger external application
mailto:email-address - send email
- subject - letter topic
- body - letter text
- cc - copy
- bcc - hidden copy
- e.g. href="example@email.com?subject={subject}&body={body}&cc={copy@email.com}"
sms:phone-number - send SMS
- body might be used
- e.g. href="sms:+380123456789?body=Hello my friend"
tel:phone-number - make a call
Other Attributes
target - set where to open a link
- _self - default
- _blank - open in a new tab. this option automatically enables rel="noopener" behaviour
- _parent - the parent browsing context
download - the target will be downloaded when a user clicks on the hyperlink
- <value> - is the new name of the file. extension is automatically detected and added
- if the value is omitted, the original filename is used
- noreferrer
- noopener
- nofollow
- noindex