<caption> - specifies the caption (or title) of a table
- goes inside <table>
<th> - table heading
- might be used as additional heading for a bunch of rows
colspan - merge cells horizontally
- e.g. colspan="2" - merge two cells
rowspan - merge cells vertically
- <td> element is not needed for a cell which was absorbed
display - all table elements get special "display" value
- table - value for <table> element. it activates such properties like "vertical-align"
- table-header-group - for <thead>
- table-row-group - for <tbody>
- table-footer-group - for <tfoot>
- table-row - for <tr>
- table-cell - for <th> & <td>
- auto - default
- fixed
border-collapse - sets whether the table borders should be collapsed into a single border
- separate - default
- collapse - collapse borders
- collapse disallows table padding
- there is a problem with sticky <thead>. if "collapse" is used, top and bottom border disappear on scroll
border-spacing - sets distance between cell's borders. applies only in case of "border-collapse: separate"
- 5px 1rem - rows spacing, then columns spacing
- top
- middle
- bottom
- baseline
empty-cells - specifies whether or not to display borders and background on empty cells in a table
caption-side - specifies the placement of a table caption
width - table width has higher priority than cell width
border - applies for any of the table elements