
array - is an ordered list of values that can be referred with an index


new Array(...elements? / arrayLength?) - creates and initializes a new Array object

  • const array = [] - more common and easy way of array creation. this is a shorthand notation for "const array = new Array()"

Array() - equals "new Array()". it accepts same arguments

Static Methods

Array.from(iterable, callback?) - converts iterable object into array. returns array

  • callback - mapping function
  • equals to […iterable]
  • tricks:
  • Array.from({ length: 100 }, Math.random) - create array with random numbers. e.g. [0.68456085455823454, ...]

Array.isArray(value) - check if array


includes() - check if array includes element. returns boolean

  • unlike indexOf works with NaN
  • tricks:
  • conditionsArray.includes(false) - might be used inside "if" expression on array of conditions

indexOf() - get index of an element

  • tricks:
  •, index) => el === foo ? index : null).filter((el) => el !== null) - find all indexes for duplicated element

lastIndexOf() - get index of an element when counting from backside of an array

slice(start?, end?) - returns part of an array. when called without parameters, copies and returns whole array

  • start - index of the first element, which is included
  • end - index of the first character, which is not included

concat(value, valueN?) - is used to merge two or more arrays. returns new array

  • e.g. [1, 2, 3].concat(['x', 'y', 'z']) - returns [1, 2, 3, 'x', 'y', 'z']

join(connector?) - join array elements into a string

  • returns string. for empty array returns empty string
  • connector - default is comma

keys() - just returns array of indices

  • tricks:
  • […Array(100).keys()] - create array of unique elements, i.e. 100 elements with values 0 to 99


mutating methods work in place. they modify original array

push(element, elementN?) - add element(s) to the end

  • returns new array length

pop() - delete element from the end

  • returns deleted element

unshift(element, elementN?) - add element(s) at the beginning

  • returns new array length

shift() - delete element from the beginning

  • returns deleted element

splice(start, deleteCount?, newElement?, newElementN?) - delete, add, or replace elements from any point of an array

  • returns an array of deleted elements
  • start - index at which to start. for negative "start", count begins from backside
  • deleteCount - amount of elements to remove. for 0, first new element is added right at "start" index
  • toSpliced() - non-mutating alternative

reverse() - reverse an array

  • toReversed() - non-mutating alternative

fill(value, start?, end?) - change elements to static value

  • end - not including

sort(callback?) - method for sorting. by default elements are compared as converted into string values, i.e. alphabetically. sorting order is ascending

  • callback - is compare function, which is used for custom comparison logic
  • callback accepts two elements. if positive number is returned - elements are swapped, if negative number or zero - elements are not swapped
  • callback return value is being automatically converted to number
  • "sort" mutates array and returns link to updated array. elements of resulting array do not change their data types
  • e.g.
  • sort((a, b) => a - b) - ascending sorting of numbers
  • sort((a, b) => b - a) - descending sorting of numbers
  • sort((a, b) => b.localeCompare(a)) - alphabetical descending sorting
  • toSorted() - non-mutating alternative


testing function - a special callback which is passed into each iterating method

  • (element, index, array) => {...} - format of callback for all methods except "reduce". "reduce" passes one additional argument into callback
  • array - on each iteration this is a link to initial array

forEach(callback) - is used to iterate over an array. is analog of "for" loop

  • callback just executes. its return value is not considered
  • method returns undefined

filter(callback) - is used to filter elements

  • callback returns boolean value. if "false" -> value is omitted
  • method returns resulting array. for empty array returns empty array

map(callback) - is used to modify each element

  • callback returns updated value of an element
  • method returns resulting array

findIndex(callback) - is used to find index of an element

  • callback returns boolean value. "true" for an element being searched for. once found, iteration stops
  • method returns index of the found element. returns "-1", if element was not found

find(callback) - is used to find an element

  • callback returns boolean. "true" for an element being searched for. once found, iteration stops
  • method returns value of the found element. returns "undefined", if element was not found

findLast() - alternative to "find", which finds last element

some(callback) - is used to check whether there is at least one element, which falls under some condition

  • callback returns boolean value
  • method returns boolean value. "true" if such element is present, "false" if not. returns "false" for empty array

every(callback) - is used to check whether all elements fall under some condition

  • callback returns boolean value
  • method returns boolean value. "true" if all elements fall, "false" if not. returns "true" for empty array

reduce(callback, initialValue?) - is used to iterate over an array and create custom resulting value

  • (accumulator, element, index, array) => {...} - callback type for "reduce"
  • callback returns value, which is accumulator for the next callback call
  • method returns last returned value from callback function. for empty array returns initialValue, if initialValue is missed - error
  • initialValue - initial value. if not passed, callback call for the first element is omitted. accumulator for the second element is array's first element
  • "reduce" is handy for creating custom object. "initialValue" should be an object in such case
const recordsGroupedByDate = records.reduce((acc, record) => {
  const recordGroup = acc[date] || [];

  return {
    []: [
}, {});


iterating methods do not mutate original array
