ES Modules
ES modules (ESM) - is a standard feature for splitting JS into separate files
- ESM only works via HTTP(S). therefore opening HTML file directly with a browser will not work. for local development local server should be started
- "use strict" is automatically enabled within ES modules
- ESM replaces old techniques like CommonJS
<script type="module" src="/foo"> - adding module to HTML
- such module will load other modules via importing. there is no need to connect them to HTML
- once module is imported, module code is run. it is run only once, during first import. e.g. exported object will be same for each script which imports it
- module can also export any functionality, which can be used out in another module, which imports
- each module has its own scope
import - keyword used for a static import
- static import is only possible into ES module
import() - function-like call that allows importing ES module dynamically, i.e. under some condition
- it works asynchronously and returns promise
- this also makes it possible to import ES module into simple non-module script
Named Import
import { foo } from './bar.js' - named import
- extension is required
import { Michael as Mick } from './users.js' - named import with name change
import * as users from './users.js'; - import everything into foo variable
- users.default - will contain default export
Default Import
import foo from './bar.js' - default import
- in case of default import any name can be given to variable
Named Export
export let month = 'June' - named export
- any declaration can be exported
export { foo, bar } - export separated from declaration
- is usually written at the end of file
- technically export might appear before declaration in the code
export { foo as bar } - named export with changed name
export { foo } from './bar' - exporting from another file
export { foo as baz } from './bar' - exporting from another file with name change
Default Export
export default function() {...} - default export
- unlike named export, default one should export expression, since variable name is not required for default export
- there might be only one default export in file
export default foo - default export separated from declaration
- this is the way how declaration can be exported with default export
export { foo } from 'bar.js' - re-export specific export from another file
export * from './bar.js' - re-export everything exported from another file
export * as utils from './utils.js' - re-export everything exported from another file, and group into object
- object will be accessible as single named import
- is equivalent to:
- import * as utils from './utils.js';
- export { utils };
export { default } from 'bar' - re-exporting of default export from another file. such value will be accessible via default import
export { default as foo } from 'bar' - re-exporting of default export with name change. such value will be accessible via named import