function foo(args) {...} - function declaration
- semicolon shouldn't be used at the end of function declaration
const foo = function() {...} - function expression
- returns reference to this function
- named function expression (NFE) - function with additional name. NFE is mostly used for recursion
- e.g. const foo = function bar() { ... }; - "bar" name is only accessible within "foo" function
(foo, bar) => foo + bar - arrow function
- returns reference to this function
- curly braces can be omitted in arrow function. in such case function body should contain single expression, which is function's return value
- "this" inside arrow function is object from closure
- "this" in arrow function, which is object method, also takes "this" from closure instead of referring to object
- arrow function doesn't have "arguments"
- arrow function is forbidden being a constructor, it doesn't have prototype
const foo = new Function(arg1, argN, functionBody) - some analog of eval()
- functionBody - any instruction
- [[Environment]] references to global lexical environment instead of parent
parameter - variable in a function definition that acts as a placeholder for the value that the function will receive
argument - the actual value passed to the function when it is called
default parameter - can be used for the case when parameter is expected, but not passed
- e.g. function foo(bar = '') { ... }
arguments - variable, which contains collection with all arguments passed to the function
self-invoking function - a function that calls itself
- can be used for variable scoping
- function declaration can't be self-invoking
(const foo = () => {
first-class function - concept, when function is treated like any other variable, i.e. function can be assigned to variable, passed as an argument or returned
- callback - function which is passed as argument into another function
higher-order function - function which accepts callback function as an argument and/or returns other function
- this is also called wrapper function
function object - each function is an object. it can have static properties and methods
- default properties are:
- name - contains function name
- length - amount of parameters function takes. rest parameters are not counted
closure - function with all the outside variables which are available for it
- closure exists because function remembers lexical environment of the place where function literal was written
- closure can be used to save data. i.e. special wrapper accepts data as an argument and returns function. argument will be accessible in return function
function createCounter() {
let count = 0;
return function () {
return count++;
const counter1 = createCounter();
const counter2 = createCounter();
counter1(); // 0
counter1(); // 1
counter2(); // 0
decorator - higher-order function that returns a function which enhances the function received as an argument without modifying it
- debounce is a popular example of decorator
- decorators can be used to implement caching for CPU-heavy functions
function playDecorator(play) {
return function (...args) {
return play(...args) + haveFun();
const playTennisAndHaveFun = playDecorator(playTennis)
playTennisAndHaveFun(bro1, bro2, rackets, ball);
Global Functions
setTimeout(callback, delay?, arg1?, argN?) - allows running a function after the interval of time
- delay - default is 1 millisecond
- arg1, argN - will be passed into callback function
- timerId - value, returned by setTimeout. timerId is accessible from callback
- clearTimeout(timerId) - cancel the execution
setInterval(callback, delay, arg1?, argN?) - allows running a function repeatedly, starting after the interval of time
- callback doesn't run immediately, it runs after first delay
- clearInterval(timerId) - stop the execution
alert() - is used to show output
prompt() - is used to get user input
- these two functions work synchronously
postMessage() - enables cross-origin communication between window objects. e.g. page & pop-up that it spawned; page & iframe embedded within it
- incoming messages fire "message" event. event object contains origin, which should be validated
- targetWindowElement.contentWindow.postMessage(message, targetOrigin) - a way to send message inside
- targetOrigin - where to send
- * - send everywhere. postMessage XSS should be considered
- window.parent.postMessage() - send message outside